Let's create a research compendium

Create a research compendium

A research compendium is a folder providing data, code, and documentation, i.e. all you need to get a reproducing scientific workflow ! To create this amazing tool, open RStudio and create a new R-Project : File > New Project…

Choose New Directory and then New Project.

A new R-Project is created, it looks like this :

Now the project is created, we are going to organize it as a compendium. To do so, write the following command in the R console :

rrtools::use_compendium("../Pickachu/", open = FALSE)

This function will create 4 new documents : 2 visible (DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE) and 2 invisible (.Rhistory, .Rbuildignore.). DESCRIPTION is an important file : it will be used to store the packages versions of the project.

Your are doing a great job - Pokepedia

Figure 1: Your are doing a great job - Pokepedia

Complete your project architecture

Now you can complete your folder architecture with more personal folders. If you work with datas, I suggest you do something like this :

The following folders are created in your R-Project.

The idea is to store your datas in the data file, write your functions in the R file and your analysis scripts (which call for functions) in the analysis file. The results of those analysis will be stored in the outputs file.

The data set we will use in this tutorial is about Pokemons. Actually, did you know that there exists many articles about Pokemon ? Here is an exemple (Kawahara, Noto, and Kumagai 2018) !

Kawahara, Shigeto, Atsushi Noto, and Gakuji Kumagai. 2018. Sound symbolic patterns in Pokémon names.” Phonetica 75 (3): 219–44. https://doi.org/10.1159/000484938.